
Remember, not only is genealogy research helpful for improving and expanding our own records.  It is also very important to share our findings with others.

It is so much easier to gather family history records when the research work has already been done.  When you've finished gathering information, share it with others so they don't have to do the same searches that you did.

With internet, it is so much easier to share information:

Also, there are several options for online storage so you always have your electronic data accessible when you visit family:

Don't hide your finds in a shoe box in the back of a closet.  Make sure it is accessible to relatives across the world-wide web.

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I live in the present yet feel for the past
Seeking connections and roots that outlast
The change of the seasons, the distance of time
Stories and people who I can call mine

Someone who's part of me -- Who will that someone be?

For the hearts of the children are turning
Turning to fathers they've never seen
And the hearts of the fathers are burning
With the promise of what will be

Play the song "The Hearts of the Fathers are Turning" by Steven Kapp Perry